Make cycling an everyday mode of transport. How to include the needs of cyclists and pedestrians into the planning and design of new road infrastructure and assure their safety? How to use modern ICT and attractive behavioural change campaigns to increase cycling and the visibility of local cycling initiatives and infrastructure?

LuxMobility assists local government worldwide to develop their own cycling and walking strategies. Based on State-of-the-art Dutch design standards Luxmobility helps cities and governments to plan and design their local cycle paths and pedestrian zones adapted to their local road infrastructure.
Luxmobility provides ready to implement mobility behaviour change campaigns that promote cycling and helps to increases the number of cyclists. Based on our extensive experiences in the field of changing mobility behaviour we adapt all our campaigns to the local conditions.
We assist our clients with the implementation of the campaign no matter whether you are an city authority with already some number of cyclists or reintroducing cycling. We assist private clients that wish to promote sustainable mobility and cycling in particular among their employees.